Brand page

Your own brand page on the Albert Heijn website and app.

Your organization's brand page can be placed on the Albert Heijn website and app. This brand page can feature your own content and brand messaging, to inform customers about your products or services.

There are two available brand pages:

1. Basic brand page: a brand page with three content blocks, available for one year. It is not possible to change the content within that year.

2. Premium brand page: a brand page with unlimited content blocks, available for one year. It is possible to change the content within that year with a maximum of four times. Besides that there are possibilities to place videos on the brand page as well.



Download hieronder de guidelines en bekijk voorbeelden:

Graag ontvangen we de volgende items:

  • Standaard aanleveren – Headerbeeld
  • Standaard aanleveren – Introtekst
  • Daarnaast 3 componenten bij een basic, en 5 componenten aanleveren bij een premium brandpage. Welke componenten dit zijn mogen jullie zelf beslissen.